If you receive a call from this number - 07506 332726 - don't waste your time answering it.
An Asian-sounding gentleman advised me that he was aware that I have various debts to credit cards - quite how he knows this he did not advise.
He then told me that I had been selected by a charity which was willing to pay some or all - certainly a substantial amount - of my credit card debt off.
I queried if this charity was going to clear my debt free of charge, and he confirmed that it would.
I advised him that I was indeed born at night - but it wasn't last night!
And I hung up.
I wasted ninety seconds of my life - so you don't have to.
Life is simpler for me just now - I have no TV, don't work, don't leave the house unless I have to, don't answer the door and don't answer the phone unless it is close family or close friends (the vet and my GP sometimes phone so I answer that).
What can go wrong.
These calls - the only time I get called madam, it is creepy.
I don't take calls from numbers I don't recognise or numbers unknown. I'll Google the number after they've rung off and if they're known scammers, I'll block them. I get far less nuisance calls now.