Technically you should have a Death Certificate to freeze the account, but in my day we used to use common sense. An account would be frozen immediately & the person advising would be asked to bring Certificate in, if their was any difficulty, the paperwork issued by the Hospital/GP which is taken to Registrar for Cert. would be accepted pro tem. Of course no further action could be taken until the Certificate arrived, the Bank would then pay from the account any utility bills or Funeral Expense invoices presented to them by debiting the account No other assets would be paid away until Probate arrived. However in the interim an Executors account would be opened (on sight of Will) and set up with the cheque book held at Branch all ready to be activated on presentation of Probate. One thing they should never had done is pay any money into your account, they could put you in a very difficult situation should their be any problems with the other Executor or any beneficiaries.