If you can not work because of Illness, and can no longer claim benefits what happens to your National Insurance contributions (aged 55 with full NI contributions to date)? Thank you.
I will be coming into a small inheritance which will take me over the means tested benefits limit, although I will ask if I can use some of the inheritance to reduce my mortgage
I think I maybe entitled to the contribution based ESA from how I read that link which would mean I should continue to receive the Severe Disability Premium! I had better do some research fast!!!
The "Entitled To" calculator does show I should be able to claim Contribution Based ESA as I am currently in the Income related support ESA "Support Group" ! Gosh it is confusing!
Premiums are paid only with Income Related ESA [ESA(IR)]and not Contributory ESA.
If you were to use some or all of your inheritance to pay off or reduce your mortgage, you would be doing so earlier than required.
A decision maker would need to consider whether continuing your entitlement to ESA(IR) was a significant reason for your actions. If they decide it was, that is deprivation of capital and you would be assessed as if you had that capital still.
Did you check the link? At 55 you will be looking at the NEW state pension and the new qualifying periods that go with it. I dont think you need to worrupy about NI now but please take some advice elsewhere.
I requested my Pension Forecast by telephone (Freephone 0800 731 0175) Amazing fast service barely 3 mins on hold! I just needed to provide my NI number and date of birth, and confirm my address. The very pleasant chap said I should receive my forecast in the post with the next 3-5 working days!!!!