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National Insurance Contributions
41 Answers
If you can not work because of Illness, and can no longer claim benefits what happens to your National Insurance contributions (aged 55 with full NI contributions to date)? Thank you.
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https:/ / nsionsa dvisory service /about- pension s/the-s tate-pe nsion/v oluntar y-ni-co ntribut ions
ESA isn't always means tested.
Unlike means-tested benefits, there is no income and savings test for contributory ESA. However, your ESA is reduced by half the amount of any pension or permanent health insurance payment received in excess of £85.
https:/ /www.en titledt /help/e mployme nt-and- support -allowa nce-con tributi on-base d
Unlike means-tested benefits, there is no income and savings test for contributory ESA. However, your ESA is reduced by half the amount of any pension or permanent health insurance payment received in excess of £85.
Hopefully you will keep your ESA but lose any other means tested benefit you receive.
This may be applicable to your situation:
https:/ / wgazett /legal- updates /disabl ed-peop les-tru sts-and -inheri tance/5 042238. article but you would need a lot more specialist advice before making any decisions.
This may be applicable to your situation:
Premiums are paid only with Income Related ESA [ESA(IR)]and not Contributory ESA.
If you were to use some or all of your inheritance to pay off or reduce your mortgage, you would be doing so earlier than required.
A decision maker would need to consider whether continuing your entitlement to ESA(IR) was a significant reason for your actions. If they decide it was, that is deprivation of capital and you would be assessed as if you had that capital still.
If you were to use some or all of your inheritance to pay off or reduce your mortgage, you would be doing so earlier than required.
A decision maker would need to consider whether continuing your entitlement to ESA(IR) was a significant reason for your actions. If they decide it was, that is deprivation of capital and you would be assessed as if you had that capital still.
Did you check the link? At 55 you will be looking at the NEW state pension and the new qualifying periods that go with it. I dont think you need to worrupy about NI now but please take some advice elsewhere.
https:/ /www.go w-state -pensio n
You can complete a BR19 to ask for a pension forecast here, https:/ /www.go vernmen t/publi cations /applic ation-f or-a-st ate-pen sion-st atement