like Telegrams, VHS systems and Betamax Blockbuster shops , Dewhurst Butchers who had over 1000 shops at one time.
Then in today's world what will disappear in the next decade like M & S Debenhams , Fenwick etc
PS when we moved into the place when it was new in 1965 we thought the gas poker was the height of luxury and modernity and saved all that risky business with a sheet of newspaper held in front of the fire to get it to draw and what fun when it burst into flames in my father's hands!
Jubbly bags, All Sauce, Capstan Full Strength, BSB boxes, decent comedians, the ability to say non PC things that were accepted as funny, the monochrome Minstrel show.
thanks Tilly although the one in our staff room was called a Banda machine, there's a bit about it earlier in the thread. The smell was a bit addictive.
You can still buy chocolate from vending machines at many railway stations (including the one I used to work at). These days though chocolate bars form just part of the range available, the machines are refrigerated and you can pay using a contactless card.
they might not be "papers" but they should be still publishing. The Financial Times has a million subscribers worldwide even though they barely print anything on pink paper any more.