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Bought My Coworker Fridge Magnets And Her Bf Doesn't Like It

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Treacle71 | 07:20 Wed 15th Feb 2023 | Business & Finance
13 Answers
I went shopping on the weekend and saw some emoji fridge magnets on special offer. I bought several packs and decided to bring in a pack for my co-worker (I love giving). However, her bf said he doesn't like what I did, but surely this is innocuous? It was just a home present?


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Why would anyone get uptight about having magnets on their fridge ? Were they rude emojies ? If he doesn't like them he can take them off again.
11:22 Wed 15th Feb 2023
Did she tell you that?
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She did, yes, naomi24. They were just smiley faces and she said her bf thinks she's now turned lesbian all because of a pack of magnets! Ridiculous really.
As you say, ridiculous. Her boyfriend is her problem. Not worth worrying about.
This is the first time I've begun to question your validity. After constant postings about not wanting to contribute and join in with getting presents for work colleagues you now say you love giving??? Sorry that will sound mean and I'll probably get berated for it but do you ever look at your own questions on here, they are a constant list of mainly work related problems. Why don't you look for another job?
They were just joking perhaps
Why would anyone get uptight about having magnets on their fridge ? Were they rude emojies ? If he doesn't like them he can take them off again.
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Thanks, Old_Geezer. No way were they rude - just plain ole smiley faces. She disclosed to me that her bf didn't get her anything for Valentine's, so she's probably cheesed off about that!
You did nothing wrong in giving a co-worker something. Her boyfriend is jealously narrow minded.
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Exactly William51. I bought loads of packs of them too, as they were on special offer.
Who are you giving the rest to?
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Lol, naomi24. People I know really and kept most for myself. I now have a yellow emoji fridge/freezer instead of a plain old white one!
Your co-worker's boyfriend's issues are between them, I wouldn't pay it any attention.
You do seem obsessed with Co Workers in previous posts. I think you should change your job.

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