//Anyone living in the UK who claims to be unaware of the negative impact of Brexit on the UK is either lying or deluded.//
The problem is, Hymie, that your obsession is linked solely to the economic effects of Brexit. They may be negative but your blind acceptance of just how negative you believe them to be may be unwise. There have been other events taking place which have been far more disruptive and costly which make the effects of Brexit very difficult to disentangle.
But it doesn't really matter. You don't seem to be able to grasp that for some people, the economy is not everything. As I have said before, I am absolutely delighted with the outcome of Brexit for one reason - the UK is no longer an EU member and a bunch of arrogant, interfering busybodies no longer have a say in what goes on in the here. Anything else is largely "noise".
As for worrying about ridding the country of individual politicians - be careful what you wish for. As I have constantly warned, all politicians tell lies. It's what they do. The electorate has a duty to see through those lies (or better still ignore politicians entirely) and get their information from other sources before casting their votes.
One thing I can guarantee is that whoever forms the next government, it will just as inept, dishonest and corrupt as those that have gone before. The difference now is that the UK does not have to cope with an additional layer of ineptitude, dishonesty and corruption that makes up the EU, interfering in the affairs of the UK. Politicians are rather like flies - they are always around, exceedingly annoying, but nobody has a clue what they are for or how to get rid of them. The country prospers despite them, not because of them, and the fewer of them there are, the better.