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I Have An Assessment For Tomorrow That I Can't Make

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Treacle71 | 09:23 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
9 Answers

As part of an interview process for temp office work, I and others have been selected to undertake an assessment.  It’s for an hour.  The recruitment team did not offer any other dates and times other than one day and time alone.  I cannot make it as it’s in the middle of my working day and not even at a lunch time.  It says we’re not allowed to use our mobile phones and must be a proper computer only/laptop.  I can’t even take a day off for it, as I’ve just had time off for a medical appt.

This is what I have drafted back to them.  Does it sound right?


Thank you for inviting me to undertake an assessment.  I understand the importance of this, but despite my best efforts to clear time for this and due to it clashing with my working day, I am disappointed that I unable to attend at the time allocated.  I am very interested in the position and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to complete the assessment at an alternative time.

I am available on the following days and times for the assessment:

(dates and times given)

Please let me know if these options work for you. I am open to accommodating your schedule as much as possible.




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It's about all you can do. It sounds like they are assessing a number of individuals at the same time, if they opt not to run it twice then you can only shrug and look elsewhere.
10:02 Wed 17th Jul 2024

Seems fine to me, if you can't go you can't go - how do you know others are involved?

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Hi davebro3.  Other people have confirmed their attendance on the outlook calendar.  

It's about all you can do. It sounds like they are assessing a number of individuals at the same time, if they opt not to run it twice then you can only shrug and look elsewhere.

Yes, it's all you can do. I would guess that most applicants would be people who already work via agencies, the unemployed/people returning to the workplace, or people in short term temporary roles.

Your note is fine, although I'd trim it down a bit and omit the last sentence (I am open to....).


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Thank you all.  I've editing and sent my reply.

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What a lovely thing to say, Auntypoll.

I thought this was AbbyLee90 but the grammar is much better.

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Thank you, all.  I told them I couldn't make it and they said they can't move the time/date.  Not a lot I can do, but only keep trying.

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