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Cash Stored For A Banking Collapse.

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nomorewars | 13:37 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
34 Answers

I've gradually took my money out of bank, stored quite a bit in trusted elsewhere, anyway I'm following Gerard celentes amount others, all most top economists been saying global financial collapse is very likely, fed cant keep printing money using QE. No one can doubt this world's in very serious trouble, in times of war will my cash go to waste in future? As in venuzuela, toilet paper basically, this morning I bought load of 10 oz silver brittania coins from royal mint paying £300 VAT on top tut tut, I've also 18 ounces gold coins tucked away, so if you were in my shoes would you hang onto physical cash, the FSCA will never reimburse me if banks go down and there's a collapse, where would they get the money lol... Are any of you prepared for a volitile future and what's your advise, plus CBDC to be implemented by 2026 in uk & EU by WEF tyrants... If that does happen and uk go full digital will governments/banks give people a period say 1 year to get all their cash spent or what would the likely scenario be ?  I'm worried I really am. 



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Don't worry, be happy.

I've bought many thousands of rolls of fine quality toilet paper.

In the event of a financial crisis they'll be worth their weight in gold.

I'll barter some of them for food and drink and other necessities.

Buy gold ?

Or if you want to avoid the problem, spend, spend, spend, and get the economy buoyant.

I take it that you have plenty of food and water stored in your bunker too?

I have got a case or two of quilted Sandy, we could do some swaps!

And 10Kg of pasta 😁

Good afternoon,

It sounds like you need to stock up on tin foil too.

I already have all my flat caps lined with aluminium foil.

It can't do me any harm and if there is radiation being directed at us it might do some good.

Good idea, just off to get a case or two.

OP - I thought you were gonna get heavily into cyber?

cash will be worthless if there is a collapse. Money is not a real thing anyway, it's an artificial human creation. If you want to save anything save gold, diamonds etc.

I got some beans for sale 

but I have no need for a cow 

are they magic johnny?

Beans & cows will be big if the monetary system(s) collapse.

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Place full of ignorant bullies, ashamed of yourselves you cannot answer a very serious question.  Unbelievable that not one of you know what's happening in the world atm let alone the future. I don't need a tinfoil hat and I suggest you go get lessoned of the current events. I'm talking but economic collapse and yous haven't clue.... Sad! 

Question Author

Place full of ignorant bullies, ashamed of yourselves you cannot answer a very serious question.  Unbelievable that not one of you know what's happening in the world atm let alone the future. I don't need a tinfoil hat and I suggest you go get lessoned of the current events. I'm talking but economic collapse and yous haven't clue.... Sad! 

14:38 is the answer.

"Unbelievable that not one of you know what's happening in the world atm let alone the future. I don't need a tinfoil hat and I suggest you go get lessoned of the current events. I'm talking but economic collapse and yous haven't clue.... Sad! " - Economic collapse may be possible but it means notes etc will be worthless yet Einstein is stocking piling notes! Right oh!

... so it's not a serious question because the question itself displays a child like naivety as does the ensuing tantrum.

Question Author

Thanks tora, only grown up on here it seems.  Maybe people need check out Neil McCoy-ward, gerard celebrates, Jim rickards, ive got gold ive got silver i was only asking about CBDC & cash money. 

Its like when banks say they'll guarantee up to say £60k. In reality if it ever became necessary society would have collapsed to such an extent that money would be useless. That's why what happened in 2008 was necessary.

Money is just numbers in a computer, a small amount of it is in cash, most of it is not. By offering loans banks effectively create money out of thin air. For example supposed I put £1000 in a savings account. The bank will then lend that out to someone. I can still draw that out and spend it and the borrower also has £1000 to spend, so we now have £2000, 1000 of which is not really in existence. The system works until everyone wants their money at once and that would be financial collapse so governments do anything they can to prevent that.

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