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Anyone Else Been Experiencing This......

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renegadefm | 19:45 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

All our local supermarkets, and Whetherspoons, have been experiencing a problem with their card readers. 

So customers have been forced to draw out cash. But that proved a challenge as quite a lot of our banks have shut down, and cash machines have become as rare as public phone boxes. 


This hic up makes me think how would the UK become a cashless society, if we need it to survive when technology breaks down? Surely that to me highlights we need cash to exist as an alternative.


How else are we going to survive and buy our essentials like groceries etc? 



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Be glad you were not meant to be on a plane in the US. Delta American and United flights cancelled also Australia hit hard

Cash, every time, for stuff like beer or food.

Don't believe the hype.

Cash or no cash - if the internet vanishes the "civilised" world & much of the rest of it is completely cream-crackered. 

The recently discovered untouched tribe recently found in Peru will be only ones not seriously affected.

Some say that if the internet vanished life would be so much better.

Removing the opportunity for empty-headed clowns to foist their 'ideas' upon the world to the detriment of everybody.

that's just the froth douglas - our dependency on the internet goes much deeper...

I'm sure we'd cope after the tears dried, we have before.

Get back to some proper espionage instead of being suckered by the Commies in our own living rooms, slow everything down a bit.

The internet must be a great educational tool.  There are now far too many experts on every imaginable subject lurking.

I got told last week that it was.cruel and evil to allow cats to go out to play on their own as Bob Cats will kill them (in Scotland?).  And any loving cat slave should declaw cats to make them happier indoors.

I usually pay by card but carry about £50 with me in cash.

It's taken that before the insanity was considered properly ?

We must be incredibly lucky, our work internet carried on working and Tesco was just the same as normal. Not affected us in any way today. I'm glad I wasn't flying though, that would have peed me off if my flight was delayed tec.

Wolf, was that an American warning about Bobcats?...and declawing?

Cats are kept indoors there much more than here because there are so many predators. Sane Americans frown on declawing...I think a few states have outlawed it. Declawing is evil.

Our Waitrose was experiencing problems in the morning but the problem was fixed by this afternoon.

To answer the question...sorry I got problems here. I went to ATM and then to aldi and lidl. All fine.

Daughters work was completely knocked out.

Can't say I noticed anything today.  Went to the Biba exhibition in town.  Trains, tickets, pubs etc working normally.

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Just proves though doesn't it that society has become already too dependant on technology. 

So when it goes wrong we are running around like headless chickens. 

It begs the question why have we allowed this to happen to us, as we are as much to blame for using cards instead of cash, and online banking has shut the banks. 


In my opinion its only going to get worse if we let it. 

It's progress though.  Just the way it is.  I remember when airline systems went down and staff at the airport had to do everything manually - chaos ensued and that was 25 + years ago.

barter, of course. I'll cut your hair for three turnips and a radish.

I'd be knackered.


I never have cash on me, and haven't had for years.

Juno . Two turnips and a half a raddish. 

thinning on top, are we? Make it a whole radish and I'll do your ears and eyebrows as well.

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