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The First Scandal In The New Parliament.

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sandyRoe | 17:37 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Will it be newcomers, not used to strong drink, resorting to fisticuffs in Annie's Bar, or an MP with an inflated view of their own importance, sexually harassing members of their staff?

Or maybe it will be something financial.

Any thoughts?



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The first scandal has already been ignored by the legacy media. The same media that though a piece of cake was worthy of headlines 24/7 for months. Be on the alert for more.
""A Labour-run London council has apologised after it failed to count more than 6,500 votes at the general election. Wandsworth council blamed “a spreadsheet issue” for missing 6,558 votes when it announced that Fleur Anderson, the Labour MP, had retained her Putney seat on July 4."" 
It appears thar 2 weeks later(after the ballot papers could possibly be "aligned" with the announced result) that the result was not affected   ...   or the order in which it was declared! It was 13% of the votes recorded in a constituancy that had a Conservative led Council until 2022. 


TOGO, as the Labour majority over the Tory candidate was 12,488 votes, what is your point?

I reckon the first scandal is giving up on stopping the invasion of these shores and giving all an amnesty to all here while indicating it's fine to sneak in as no one is going to be sent away, but instead given homes and all they need, courtesy of the taxpayers who have no say in the matter.

Hmm   ...   You don't think that the "competence" of the Wandsworth election team is in any way deserving of criticism or that the absense of the "oversight" being "On da nooos" is interesting? Cake anyone?  

A Labour spokesman may well be thinking.... We got away with the trial run, now get the full programme up and running ready for future use.  Where is my credible deniability script?  

You're sure it wasn't Barking council?

Anyway, just trot out the Henry McLeish excuse andd move on.

 deserving of criticism or that the absense of the "oversight" being "On da nooos"

I wasnt gonna bovva - but Togo is right and is er rightly surprised he has to argue the point. (shades of PO Horizon, hi Davebro!) - electoral mismanagement should NOT occur, is  NOT an "oops sozza that!" event.

The council should be making it publicly clear how  they will prevent this from happening  again.


//what is your point?//

Anyone who asks that really has a problem.

TOGO, 'You don't think...the absense of the "oversight" being "On da nooos" is interesting?'

What are these about then?

Knobbling Whippet races?

Selling contraband Brown Ale on the HOC bars?


Question Author

I've often thought that the annual tug-of-war between Lords and MPs could be a target for cheating.  Place a bet on the other side and then not pull your weight.

They should have their subsidised meals at the HOC canteen stopped.

Our civil service canteen wasn't given any subsidy.

They would consider it scandalous that we expect them to pay for food.

Secret footage in December of a party going on in number 10

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