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It's a great Idea, give them a bigger one for free put them all on it and cut all links to civilisation.

Could this be a scam to part the pious gullible from their money?

Sounds like it must be illegal, to me. One can buy an island, but it'd still be part of an existing nation, so that nation's laws still apply.  No alternative army, no alternative law. No alternative crackpots.

I would give them this island for free.Once they have been eaten alive by the midges,they will be converting to Christianity in their thousands.

Not a bad plan but can someone mention that the Arctic has plenty of spare room?

Are there no countries in the world that already enjoy the benefits of Sharia Law?

These people might be better off going to one of them.

They'd avoid the dreich, gnat infested, Summers and the dark , bleak Winters.

It's what keeps us smiling, Sandy.

They wouldn't even be allowed a dram to console them...

One might ask where our government has been and is now in all of this.

A madman building his own private army and looking to set up a power base under the guise of a religious centre.

What could possibly go wrong?

Should someone bring a private prosecution for deriliction of duty against our leaders, past and present?

No doubt the wee gift shop will be stocking up on tartan bhurkas :)

Just the start I'm afraid.

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Scottish Island Islamic Homeland

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