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If You Run A Business Accepting Credit Card Payments – This Video Will Interest You

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Hymie | 11:29 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | Business & Finance
6 Answers

A few weeks ago I posted a youtube video of Wheeler Dealers Mike Brewer being scammed out of £10k in selling a car through his business.


As a follow-up video, this guy was similarly scammed despite flagging the transaction as a possible scam with his card payment provider and the card issuer – without success.


So it appears that if you are a business accepting credit card payment, you have absolutely no protection if it turns out that the payment was made fraudulently (despite your best efforts at due diligence to demonstrate the payment to be genuine).


If you watch until the end, you’ll see the steps he has taken to prevent the charge-back by the card issuer.




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Some say that Mr Brewer is forging a career from this incident.

He may be addicted to the sound of his own voice.

Same result if a cheque proves to be stolen, cash proves to be fake.

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What surprised me about the video is that the guy claims he has a clear 4k video of the guy who came to collect the equipment (on behalf of the scam-buyer) – I would have definitely included that within the posted youtube video.

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You have no guarantee of being paid if you accept a cheque, and careful examination of the cash notes should identify fakes – but there is no way of knowing that the credit card is stolen if the card issuer authorises the payment.

If it were a face to face sale I'd ask for photo id

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That’s the point of these scams; they are done through remote purchases.

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If You Run A Business Accepting Credit Card Payments – This Video Will Interest You

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