Is There Anyone Who Can Shoot In The U S ? in The AnswerBank: News
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Is There Anyone Who Can Shoot In The U S ?

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ToraToraTora | 09:34 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
20 Answers


What with all the guns you'd have thought they'd get someone who could shoot straight! Don't get me wrong I'd rather Trump won than Harris but if they bumped off Trump a decent proper republican candidate may emerge.

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You'd rather have Vance?

Question Author

Not sure about Vance barely know him or know of him. I think If Trump got assassinated there are others to get the nomination. Harris wasn't a shoe in initially

"I'd rather Trump won than Harris "


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10:47 She's a total Trobiscite I don't trust anyone who subscribes to all the latest neo fascist lunacy. On a personal level she gives me the creeps with her false painted smile and her standard openning "woman of colour" diatribe.

Rainbow women ?

Where DO you get your thread ideas from, Tora? x



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well, the news dougie.

"She's a total Trobiscite I don't trust anyone who subscribes to all the latest neo fascist lunacy. "

such as what?

i think you have allowed your hatred of whatever you think "the left" is to consume all of your faculties.

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....says the guy who wishes death on anyone with the temerity to become a billionaire! 😂

You'll have to expand on that one, geezer, I must have missed all of that.

I only checked the first one but saw envy, not burning at the stake.

Thanks for taking the time anyway.

Do you keep notes?

Question Author

"billionaires launching themselves into space... a problem that solves itself 🤣" - don't you think that's just a little bit hoping for them to come a cropper?

Or it could be seen as lowering the billionaire status by burning through mountains of cash for a keek out of the hatch but more importantly contributing that cash to R&D space-wise.

I wonder if the would-be assassin had read John Niven's The *** It List.


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The culmination of the book is the main character hiding on a golf course to shoot Donald Trump.

I think nearly everyone in the US can shoot, it's in their constitution,  but some can shoot better than others.

//but if they bumped off Trump //

Your words TTT.


How democratic🤔


everyone lost their *** minds when i posted something similar to that. 

bear arms - not shoot ( words I know)

10:47 She's a total Trobiscite - dont forget foo-danga and wibbly wobbly woo ! for glarters! ( starters that is!)

I love an articulate well expressed argument

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