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Personal Independence Payment - How Does Mobility Section Work?

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JBW1366 | 13:23 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
14 Answers

Hi can someone help me understand PIP - I have been awarded PIP - with the following breakdown - £'s standard rate daily living needs and also standard rate £'s to help with my mobility needs.

I have thought about getting a car and I have visted the Motability site, and gone through the cars available - the one I like suggests an advance payment plus my TOTAL MOBILITY ALLOWANCE - so am i correct in thinking that is just the mobility section of my award or is it all of what I have been awarded..

Thanks as always for any help 



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I think you need to receive the higher mobility rate to qualify for a motability vehicle
13:33 Thu 17th Oct 2024

All of it

Sorry, all of the mobility payment only

If you get the standard mobility rate you don't qualify for a Motability car; it must be the enhanced rate.

I also advise you to shop around. Motability isn't always the best option 

I think you need to receive the higher mobility rate to qualify for a motability vehicle

Don't you have to be on higher rate mobility component before you are eligible for motability scheme?

Sorry, other answers not there when I started typing

You are entitled to 50% lower car tax on any vehicle you own, though

I think that is 50% vehicle tax rate on any ONE vehicle you own.  It also entitles you to apply for consideration of a blue badge.

Yes, one vehicle

really?  i thought you could class it as a disabled vehicle, and get all the tax off?


No bednobs, you have to have the enhanced award for that and then the V5 shows 'Disabled' in class of vehicle.

although you mean the standard rate, dont you looking at your post again.  Enhanced t=rate it's 100% off

There are two rates of PIP mobility, standard and enhanced and two rates for the Care - Daily needs, standard and enhanced.

Standard rate, 50% discount on car tax for one vehicle.

Enhanced rate, right to opt for Motability vehicle, free tax on any one vehicle you own or lease. 

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