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Bank Refusing Scammed Monies.

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carolminniemouse | 13:00 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
18 Answers

My bank is refusing to refund scammed monies from my account stating that they refunded previous instances of claims I made. I cannot prove I was not negligent with my card or card details but they are refusing to refund latest scammed amount of around £70 which is a huge amount to a pensioner. Any help more than gratefully received, I feel I'm being penalised for something I didn't do.



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Have you been into a branch to speak to someone? That's often better than trying to solve the problem over the telephone or online.

If you have and had no joy, why not pop round to the Citizens Advice Bureau taking all your information with you. They ought to be able to assist you.

when did the scam happen and when did you try and claim as the rules changed on October 7

Could the bank reject my claim?

Yes – but only if you were "grossly negligent" in making the payment.

Banks can only reject claims if they can show that you acted with a "significant degree of carelessness". According to the regulator, this is a "very high bar" and should only affect a "small minority of cases".

So how were you scammed?

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Bank say I've had more than usual scammed instances where they have refunded theoney (all small amounts+ five or six amounts of less than £50) so they want to stop online purchases which would be awful, I'm disabled and do all my shopping online.

So are you giving out your card numbers to non recognised companies?

Or a people phoning you up and you are giving out your card details?

6 times scammed? that is a lot - in what time period is that?

The new rules do allow banks to apply a £100 excess but not for vulnerable people.

Can you tell us about the way you were scammed?

My advice is to only buy from well known retailers

cmm I am old and disabled and do all my shopping online and it's fine.  Puzzled why this is happening to you but surely it must be something you are doing that is the cause.

If you do a lot of shopping online you're bound to be more exposed to suffer scams and the bank should recognise this. I think you should take this further - perhaps get the CAB to draft a letter to the bank for you.

The problem is once scammed often you details are passed around other scammers.

The best thing for you to do in the first instance is Citizens Advice as said above.  Then take it from there.

And be careful, only buy from recognised companies.

I think the most important thing to do is to find out how it is happening and get it stopped or this is going to go on and on and on.  BTW you can phone Citizens Advice on 0800 144 8848 (England).

Sorry to say this, but I'm with the bank here. It would seem from the number of scams that it is you who is at fault...and you're not learning from past experience.

Surely the bank should be advising a new account with new numbers/passwords/etc. if it is known that successful scams get passed from scammer to scammer. It seems very remiss of them not to make such suggestions.


But, yes, more details are probably needed on order to judge validity of the bank's action.


(Anything else fails there is always the Money Saving Expert site to ask. Plus some newspapers hold regular articles trying to help citizens.)

Depends on the scam OG which we are not privvy to.#

Most scams obtain the details once then burn it.  What they will do is pass the details of the person on to another scammer who will then use a different scam.  A new card wouldnt stop this. I am pretty sure the Bank would have done this if it was needed just as they would block payments to a known scammer, but as I say they tend to fill the account move it on and then burn it.


//Sorry to say this, but I'm with the bank here. It would seem from the number of scams that it is you who is at fault...and you're not learning from past experience.//

I have family in banking who are involved in trying to stop people being scammed but they refuse to heed advice and at the end of the day the bank can't refuse to send the money but then those scammed come to the bank expecting to be reimbursed.

The banks can't be expected to act as insurers against scams, it's not the bank's money it's the customer's money they being expected to hand over,

6 times!!!! Wow I pride myself on not being scammed once. I sometimes wish a scanner would try it with me as I would lead him a merry dance.

We don't know how she got scammed. 

you need to tell us how you were "scammed".

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