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Steamed Vs Pickled Beetroot

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pastafreak | 18:09 Tue 07th Jan 2025 | Food & Drink
17 Answers

How long can it last once opened...assuming steamed has nothing added. 



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2, 3 days at the most if kept in an airtight container in the fridge 

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I just read someone say they chopped it up and froze it.

I like beetroot, but most packs are a lot for 1 person.

You could use it in smoothies or bake with it.

Seemingly, you can freeze them, Pasta.

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I think I'll give freezing a go. Then try in smoothies. Raspberry/beetroot smoothies anyone? 

Ooooh, Yes please!

I'll have some 👍

Ive just ordered a jar of shredded pickled beetroot, we both like pickled sliced beetroot but this is in a sweeter vinegar, and shredded obviously. Sometimes the sliced stuff is too thick for me.

I do love roasted beetroot too

Ooh no. Beetroot is the one food I just cannot eat in any form. 

I love sliced beetroot on cheese on toast. I like the contrast between the hot, melted cheese and the cold, crunchy beetroot.

The jar of pickled beetroot in my fridge carries the warning "Once opened, keep refrigerated and consume within six weeks". I've kept it longer in the past without suffering any apparent adverse effects.

A jar of pickled beetroot once opened can still last for months. 

Pasta is talking about steamed beetroot and how long that lasts.

The title mentions both.


A good time to set up an experiment for future reference ?

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Actually I was asking about both...which would last longer was part of my consideration. I ended up buying the steamed...more flexibility in uses for it.

The pickled one would last longer but you are limited in its use due to the vinegar.

The problem is always the amount of bacteria so how it is prepared cooked/pickled and then kept.

I grow my own and find that you get 2-3 days in the fridge before they start to loose their consistency.  But seem ok to eat.

Never get round to pickling them though, get eaten first!

Beetroot freeze very well.  I freeze them raw and after roasting.  I'll bet steamed freeze equally as well.

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Steamed Vs Pickled Beetroot

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