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Cleared CCJ

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sthorpe42 | 19:10 Fri 24th Feb 2006 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
I got a CCJ back in september 2004, its been sold to a debt management company. i have the funds to clear it now. Once I have paid it in full, do I recieve a certificate automatically or do i need any further action to prove its paid off?


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Receipt of payment form the Creditor/management company should be furnished to the issuing County Court who will then inform Registry Trust - they then let the credit reference agencies.
Firstly get a letter from the Debt management company that the debt has now been 'paid in full and final settlement'.

you have to pay to get a certificate of satisfaction. this costs �10.00 and has to be obtained from the court where the judgement was made.

Once you have the certifcate of satosfaction ,you should then contact the three major credit reference agencies and make them aware that the judgement has been satisfied and provide them with copies of the cerificate so that records can then be updated.

All the best
In my experience you have to get a letter and send it to the credit bureau and they will recind the judgement and it will no longer appear. I was charged for this letter though so if you do not have the money to pay for the letter you will have to wait until it clears on its own after the stipulated period, not sure what it is?

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Cleared CCJ

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