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Collecting pennies

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johnnybriggs | 20:49 Mon 08th May 2006 | Business & Finance
3 Answers

I have an 18.9litre water bottle which I am currently filling with 1p and 2p coins.

Does anyone know how much it will be worth when I have filled it? How much will it weigh?



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Don't know - the only useful/less fact I have is that �1 of 1p or 2p coins weighs 360g.

Also that a gang of thieves once stole a truckload of such coins. They abandoned it when it dawned on them that it was too much work to change them.

I think that you will find each �1 worth of 'copper' coins actually weighs 356g.
Since nobody has jumped in to use the specs from the Royal Mint website to answer the question, I will have a bash...

Volume of �1 made up of 1p coins = 49.4cm�
Volume of �1 made up of 2p coins = 40.1cm�

Massaging the figures by taking the average and allowing around 10% wasted space gives a nice figure of 50cm� per �1.

Thus 1 litre ≈ �20
& 18.9 litre ≈ �378 (or 134.56 kg plus weight of bottle)

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Collecting pennies

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