we are going to court on friday for bankruptcy please can you tell me if our bank account will be frozen it is a simple cardcash account with no overdraft facility of cheque book in just for paying in wages and direct debits and if it is frozen how will the utility bills get paid
You should go to another bank and open another (basic)account on the day of the bankruptcy. you should also close your existing bank account on the same day, removing any funds in that account .good luck
Hi. Your account will be frozen so take any remaining money out of the account before you go bankrupt. If you want to keep using it then get your bank to contact your local insolvency service (official receivers) who should be dealing with your bankruptcy and they will inform the bank as to what to do with any remaining funds (there shouldn't be any if you remove them before you go to court) and that you can still operate your account. Once you have been dicharged (after about a year if your debt isnt too high) then you can start to build up your credit score again.