not quite sure if you are being sarcastic there or not. I'm not saying that it definately isn't negligence on the army's part, but i just hate this "compensation culture" that seems to have grown up in this country (uk) Stuff happens, and sometimes it's nobodys fault, but people feel they should be finacially compensated for it . I am immensley grateful that we have the army to defend us, but i wouldn't say soldiers would be entitled to anything other than what anyone else would be entitled to should they not be able to work because of stress. Anybody who gets stressed throught hteir job would be entitled to say that the job caused it, but i doubt they would be able to sue their employers unless they had been negligent. I would imagine that people in the army know that they are going to be subjected to more stress than the average person would encounter in their lifetime, and therefore take it into consideration before joining up.
Josas, i clearly dont know the details of your incidents, but after 10 years, it might be just best to accept it and move on as it were, as bitterness and anger only hurts you, not the person it's directed towards