Hi everyone why cant i get benefits, i am 30 and have never worked because i have got rheumatiod arthiritis and i am too ill, i have had my illness since i was 15. My partner has a good job. But i cant get any benefits. Cant get income support because partner works. Cant get incapacity because i am over 25 and i have never worked. Used to get sereve disablement allowance but they caught me on a rare good day and took it of me. Cant get disability living allowance because thats for people who have mental difficulties. Cheers honey
disability living allowance ISN'T just for people with "mental difficulties"... i have ra and get dla. Whoever told you that was wrong it is for people that need help either with personal care or mobility. On another note, have you ever tried working? Most reputable employers would be ale to make wrkplace adaptions to allow you to work. Obviously, i dont knw how your illness affects you, but clearly you have good days, and i wonder if there is something you can do in those days?
Hi everyone cheers for your replys i am gonna see if i can claim DLA the worse they can say is no! As for working its a no at the moment, we might be moving soon to get away from neighbours from hell and during and after the move my illness is gonna be bad. Honey xXx
You might be able to appeal against the decision to stop your severe disablement allowance. Citizens Advice can help.
Is your partner entitled to anything as a carer?