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RAC or the AA -best?? and can you join on the spot?

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joko | 22:51 Wed 20th Sep 2006 | Motoring
8 Answers
which of these two is the best?

and is it true that you can join either of these on the spot at the side of the road as long as you have a credit card?

is it the driver or the car that is covered?
i think its the driver....

does one membership include their spouse and children or just one person??

cheapest options?

any advice appreciated



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View the various levels of cover here...

Yes you can join on the side of the road after a breakdown but you pay a heavy premium. You can get a joint membership to cover spouse as well, it is the driver that is covered not the car.
rac best bet

they've all got their drawbacks though
Question Author
cheers guys

any idea what the premium is ratter? if you joined the basic membership at about �30 a month.

I think RATTER15 means you won't be able to buy cover "on the street" at the discounted prices found on the internet.

AA internet discounts
Single - 25%
Joint - 20%
Family - 15%

RAC internet discounts
Single - 25%
Joint - 13%-17%
Family - 8% - 14%

all discounts having been already included in the internet prices.

btw both AA and RAC do offer Vehicle Based cover along with the more normal Single, Joint and Family cover.
I'm a member of the RAC and being a woman either on my own or with children makes me a priority breakdown. And yes I have broken down when on my own or with the kids and they were there in no time.
You pay a premium if you call the AA or RAC to a breakdown that you are not covered for, I done it 15 years ago and had to pay an extra �30.00 but it got me out of a fix in the middle of the night miles from anywhere.
Forget the AA or the RAC. I have excellent cheap cover with EuropAssist - under �40 a year.

When I broke down on my way to my holiday earlier this year, they came within 30 minutes, towed the car and all of us over 100 miles to our hotel.
If the car could not have been fixed by the end of the holiday, there was insurance it place to cover that too.

Superb service; Fill in your details for a quote here: /CarDetails.asp

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RAC or the AA -best?? and can you join on the spot?

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