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Credit cards

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pinkbabytots | 13:30 Sun 07th Jan 2007 | Business & Finance
6 Answers
Can anybody recommend any credit cards that are offering 0% finance and will give a decent credit limit. I currently have a few credit cards and I am paying very high interest.



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Be careful - many cards now charge up to 3% to transfer balances. That's �30 every �1000. You may be better going for a credit card that does not charge the transfer fee but has a permanent fixed low interest rate for the life of the debt.

Don't rely on being able to change again in 6 months or a year - interest rates are probably going to rise, and it will be harder to get low rate credit card deals.

There is good advice here, including the best rates. ews.cgi?newsid1107182516,76509,
Question Author
That's really helpful , thank you very much for that.
This is also a good site for the comparisons you require, but as Ethel says, be careful and read the small print: s-comparison.aspx
Question Author
Ewand- thanks also for that website which is also very helpful
Look at Moneyfacts website for terms, conditions, and best-buys.
Check out for more info on <a href="">credit cards</a>.

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Credit cards

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