I understand that from June 1st 2007, sellers will be obliged to provide prospective buyers with Home Information packs, showing various documents, including (voluntarily) conditions of house report (provided by licensed impartial inspectors). Does anyone think, ie, I guess anyone looking to buy house this year, its worth waiting until June before proceeding further, to have sight of the HIP , info that a buyer would otherwise normally pay for? Given the current mixed opinion on the state of the housing market, does anyone think this will actually slow the market down, until June at least?
Apparently it wont retrospectively apply, ie houses already on the market wont be compelled to produce one on 1 June. So no, I dont think it will slow things down.
What is this sedition, what makes you think we are all going to agree to this? I for one will pay the fine, forget the H I P 's. The advice to the majority is to ignore them.
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Home Information Packs - legal as of 1.6.2007 : opinions please