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Do the Governement treat Unemployed Bums to well?

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jamesisgod | 17:09 Wed 27th Jun 2007 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
Should the UK reintroduce the work house?


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They could always bring back a few years in the army straight from school like the olden days, this would then teach the oikes who turn into bums some respect for themselves and others, perhaps the same could be said for young offenders? Instill some pride in them!

Or send them down here to work in my house !
No, but there is pleny of work to do in the community. Most of our parks are filthy, and as the council no longer employs park keepers maybe the unemployed could earn their money by some hard graft & getting some fresh air :o)
Totally agree with Pippa. If you are genuinely unemployed then as the state is paying you I think that the recipients should work for one day per week in the community.
I agree with Pippa there are thousands of things I can see that need doing, if you want unemployment benefit you can do those or go without.

We are paying these people any way so it wouldn't cost any more than it does already, limit those jobs to 3 days a week so they can attend interviews etc

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Do the Governement treat Unemployed Bums to well?

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