Hi. I have just started my own business as a sole trader, and I was wondering who I need to inform. I have already filled in a registration form for National Insurance, and have sent that to HM Revenue and Customs. Is that also the tax office, or do I need to register separately? Or is it all the same department now? I understand that I will not have to declare my earnings until after April, but have earned money on PAYE since last April, so will I have to declare my PAYE earnings that I've already paid tax on??? Sorry, I'm so confused!!!
you have registered with both. You should receive your tax reference from HMRC within six weeks. You will receive a tax return in April and you will need to declare PAYE as well as any self employment you have done. The revenue looks at all your income together and credits you with any tax already paid. The form should come with all the relevant supplementary pages but if the pink employment page is missing you can download one from hmrc website. Also note that the filing date has now changed to October 31st. It is simpler to file online. Just register on the website and they will send a pin number
I do my blokes tax return in April for the previous year and he gets a rebate by the end of June, they are not good at paying interest so why wait for the october deadline when u can get the form end of april and get it back to them in a few days?