News0 min ago
Quality Replica Bag sites - any recommendations?
1 Answers
I'd like to buy a decent replica designer handbag. Sadly I can't afford the real thing, and I've given up trying to find a second hand authentic bag on ebay. So many people are selling fakes as the real thing nowadays on ebay. So I've decided to buy a handbag from a replica handbag site - at least they're up front about it. Can anybody point me in the direction of a good reliable on-line dealer? There are lots out there I know, but I also know that some produce better quality bags than others. I know that I'm bound to get the 'if you can't afford the real thing, go without' replies. But some of us simply can't justify spending �1500 on a bag when there are bills to be paid ... and petrol to be bought! Ouch!. Thanks very much everybody.
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