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Cashback on credit cards

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chazza | 16:18 Mon 04th Aug 2008 | Personal Finance
2 Answers
Which credit cards in the UK offer cashback at the end of the year? I overheard someone saying that they had a credit card and used it for all purchases, paying it off monthly, and then have about �200 extra at the end of the year.

Which companies offer this?


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I get more than that in vouchers for Tescos, using my Tesco credit card, as you get clubcard points every time you use it. As I shop at Tesco, it suits me.

You can exchange them for 'deals' which are worth 4 times the value of the voucher, accepted at various places. inance/creditcards/index.jsp
And a good, independent article with recommendations, here: k-credit-cards

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