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Change Pounds to Euro Now?

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Zuzana | 19:01 Sat 16th Aug 2008 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
I have �15k savings which I want to save and ultimately spend in Slovakia which is converting to euro this January.

Should I exchange it for euros now or keep the pounds in higher savings in a uk bank?



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Well the exchange rate is rubbish now, and you'd be losing 6 months worth of interest, so leave it where it is.

Has Slovakia adopted the Euro? I thought it was still the koruna.
Apologies, it is converting in January, as you say.
If you are thinking of taking cash with you, I think they have a restriction of 150000 SKK per person. I'm going to Croatia soon and they have a restriction - although once Slovakia go over to the Euro I'm not sure if it'll still be in force.

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Change Pounds to Euro Now?

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