Well you have to read through an awfully large amount of hype before you get to this:
Here�s How Much You Could Make
Let�s look at the sums:
If you can get a mere 100 people (I�ll show you how soon) to pay you just �24.97 a month then that�s �2,497.00 a month coming into your account. I�ll wager that�s close to your take-home pay right now � and how hard do you need to work for that?
I think that explains everything. To persuade 100 people to give you �24.97 per month is sure going to need them to believe that they will get their own quantities of �24.97 coming rolling in through the door.
In turn, this money comes from someone else down the line.
This is yet another version of a pyramid scheme.
No, it won't work.