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drinks licence

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tatu | 21:46 Mon 09th Mar 2009 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
im thinking of opening a resturaunt/ does one go about getting a drinks licence-not to sell drinks on the premises but only to allow costumers to bring their own wine etc....thankyou


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As far as I know you don't need a licence if the customers bring their own. Unless things have changed recently.

In the UK anyway - other countries may differ.
dzug is right.

You need a licence to conduct a Regulated Activity

Selling alcohol is regulated.

Providing a venue where customers can drink their own, is not.

But remember that playing live or recorded music is regulated.
Seek permission from local council.....even free alcohol on commercial premises is subject to instant �2k fine if you are unlicensed.
But that's not what tatu proposes to do. Provided no alcohol is handed over from proprietor to punter, there is no problem.
'Free' alcohol causes a problem because it is funded somewhere by the proprietor.

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