Is there a quick formula to calculate the 15% vat? Going for a short numeracy test for a job tomorrow (part time to fit in with children) they are aware I've not worked in accounts before but this is the last part of the interview if I pass the jobs mine. Won't be able to use a calcualtor or computer and my brain has gone numb... Thanks
I know it has been asked on here before but I searched and can't find it
10% will be the original number with the point just moved one place to the left (10% of �1.00 = 10p)
5% will be half of that answer
add them together & add on the original number
This will always help with an estimate answer so you know if you are roughly right
Good luck
Thanks everyone - I don't even know if I'll need it but I thought that last time I did vat it was 17.5% .
Rollo I don't think it will go back to 17.5% think they'll up it 20% to make up for their lost revenue but by then I will be allowed to use a calculator!!! Hopefully.