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address for barclays

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annelisesm | 14:42 Mon 06th Apr 2009 | Business & Finance
6 Answers
what is the address for Barclays with sort code 20-47-44?


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These requests only come from 'green' newbies on Answerbank.

The info can always be found with a quick google search.

I still can't see what possible use the info is, so if you could enlighten me annelisesm I'd be greatful. Unfortuantely whenever I ask teh question no-one ever responds
Oops, yes I can normally spell grateful and the!
phone your nearest branch, number in phone book, and ask them. they happily tell you im sure
With Barclays the code isn't always branch specific anyway - round here at least 5 branches up to 20 miles apart have the same code.

So it's not going to help you anyway.
That particular code is used for international bank transfers. Any branch may use it for such transfers but the actual address is
Barclays Bank PLC, 38 Hans Crescent. Knightsbridge International Banking Centre, London SW1X 0LZ

It's always the same. Newbie asks the question, never says please, never responds to questions about why they want the information, and then never says thanks.

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address for barclays

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