Hello. I am seeking further assisstance on this matter - I will add a link to save typing a long and complicated story out again
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Business-and-Fi nance/Question733427.html My ex wife has now decided not to go with one of these schemes. I have been informed that reposession has been put into action. I believe she is going to try to get a set aside (i think that is the correct term) again in order to stay in the house. Does anyone know what the chances of her getting this are? She has already been to court twice in the last few years after falling into arrears but has managed to reach an agreement. She now has no income (apart from probably benefits and my child maintainence) but I know will go there and cry and play the poor single mother card (shes incredibly manipulative). She is not unemployed due to the recession and as far as I know is not planning to return to work i the near future. I''m worried that she's going to be allowed to keep running up the costs and in the end the mortgage companies costs will be so great that I won't get my money. She had also been talking, I believe, about applying to the government mortgage rescue scheme. it it right that they won't do this as there are charges on the property? Thank you in advance for any advice. Pete