Hi, can anyone help me, in may 2009 B&Q had a tv add out . there was a guy on it with a name badge of john, his words was ' Spend 50 pounds and we will knock 10% off before closing time monday'' DOES ANYONE KNOW HIM ? I HEAR HE LIVES IN LUTON IN BEDFORDSHIRE !! we want him for a new tv show. if you know him please call 07517608922
with full details of your request, stating which media the information will be needed for, along with broadcast or publication date. Please clearly state your name, address, telephone number and email, along with your deadline
I went to school with the guy in the add ( john ) and yes he lives in luton beds but i cant give his sirname as i think you would have to contact the press office of B&Q for more details, and they may not want to give them to you as ive seen him on more then 1 tv add, maybe he's an established tv add campainer for the company, he is good tho, he brings the B&Q message home to the viewer...