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Dear Mr. Veritas,
I have no doubts about your sincerity - in fact anyone calling himself "Mr Truth" would have to be trusted.Anyway you're 16 yrs my senior.
However - both I, and many previous contributors have opinions of this company at variance with yours, and one member was talking about a forthcoming issue of proceedings. There were also many complaints about the sales methods of this crowd. So. I'm afraid that their shiny, posh website has got you convinced of their veracity! Stock-in-trade of the con-man, you know. I was hoping to resurrect some of those earlier contributions.
Your comments are appreciated, and I frequently advise my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in like manner, (having had many years of experience in the legal biz) but, no matter how canny one thinks oneself to be, there is always likely to be someone even smarter just around the corner.
Incidentally, I am reliably informed that a ranking service claims to whizz your website details to the top of the Search Egnine lists.Of course it's too good to be true......isn't it?