Getting hold of your pension early – miss selling.
I was in a similar position to you a year or so back – and looked into getting hold of 25% of my deferred company pension pot and having the rest invested (as allowed by the pension rules).
The company I contacted advised me that my remaining 75% pension investment would have to grow at 13% p.a. to give equivalent benefits to my deferred company scheme.
Clearly this is unlikely, although there are clear benefits of getting hold of the 25% ASAP, if my remaining investment needs to return 13% p.a to match my company scheme – it would clearly be a bad move to take the 25% now (I will be able to take my 25% once my company pension scheme pays out).
You should have been given a similar projection (how much your investment needs to grow to match your current pension scheme). If not, or the required growth is in excess of 10% p.a., I would make sure I kept all the paperwork – so that when your new investment vehicle (pension) comes nowhere close to what your company pension scheme would have paid – you will be part of the next financial miss selling fiasco, and have evidence to support your claim (for miss selling compensation).