TTFN has beaten me to it with that excellent link.
However you might like to hear of my own experiences with a private sector company working for a Government department:
Several years ago, during a long period of unemployment, I applied for a job as a counsellor with a private sector company with a Government contract to support the long-term unemployed. The interviewer told me that an important part of my role, if I got the job, would be to encourage long-term unemployed people to ensure that they always got prompt and informative feedback from any job interviews that they might attend. He repeatedly told me that their company considered it absolutely vital that job applicants should receive such feedback. During my lengthy interview with him he returned to this point time and time again.
After that interview I hoped I'd got the job but, if not, I looked forward to receiving the prompt and detailed feedback which the company earnestly believed that people like me must always receive. Ten months later I finally received a two line letter which simply stated that I'd not got the job!