I have a joint mortgage with my ex, it gets worse?
Summary: I need ex girlfriend off mortgage asap, mother needs to come on, I'm a temporary member of staff, and ex has paid NOTHING towards the flat. We have been at the flat since 18th June 2010.
Ok so I was mislead at several points to this story, but that's not the issue, I took out a joint mortgage with the understanding that I was taking the ex off. She knew and was happy with it. We have split up and now she is demanding her name off the mortgage asap. We are joint as first time buyers under a part-buy-part-rent scheme in which we own 25%.
My worry is that as I'm a temp, I wont be able to get her off. Can she force me to sell even though, I'm happily paying ALL payments and always have done and I paid the deposit, basically she has contributed nothing towards the flat? Also, is there a way I can replace her with my mum and not have to re-mortgage, when I took it out, the mortgage, I had a permenant job but was a little short a month, hence why she is on it in the first place? If it did go to court, do I have any weight in the decision due to the payment history?