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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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Smowball | 09:06 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Well another week bites the dust! Where on earth has it gone?? Only seems like lastnight I was saying good morning Monday birds! Beautiful blue skies here but not sure for how long - if it stayed like this all  weekend it would be lovely as it's so miserable sitting indoors looking out at pouring rain all day. 
Was watching the Hurricane clear up lastnight and they showed images of this poor poor dog who someone had abandoned as it was  about to hit, and tied it to a post and just left it : (  They showed a couple of guys in a dinghy basically rescuing it and trying to get it out  of the water and into the boat. Poor creature looked terrified. Thankfully they saved it and someone is now looking after it.

Hope we all have a great day whatever you've got planned x



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Morning Smow, Clear skies here as well and not too cold. Going to take my courage in both hands and go to a telephone shop to look at some mobile phones .Have narrowed ot down to a Doro or a Samsung Galaxy. I'll probably need the weekend to process the info I receive!

I hope you are feeling less painful. Can you not phone up your doctor and encourage them to expedite the appointment at the pain clinic, or alternatively can you not phone the clinic direct and refer them to your doctor as a check? I think the latter is what we had to do. Anyway good luck.

Morning Smow.  It would be a nice day were it not for the fact that I now know that Ratty McRatface is alive and well and living under the cooker.  I sprinkled some flour down last night before we went to bed and this morning there were lots of ratty foot prints in in.  Grrrrrr.

Morning, there was frost on my lawn this morning.  Only a couple of weeks to the clocks go back, the most depressing day of my year.

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Morning calda - sadly not, I'm not even sure where this pain management clinic is meant to be, but I am going to ring the surgery again and leave a message for doctor saying I'm really really struggling now. As someone kindly said on here the other day, I'm a pretty cheerful upbeat person, but this week I'm finding very tough x

barmaid - oh no, footprints! Or shud I say paw prints. So what's the plan now??

barry - I 100% agree - it is utterly utterly depressing when the clocks go back - from me pottering about in the garden till almost 10 pm at height of summer it will soon be dark at 4 ish, which makes for a long long evening and night : (

Well I am not sure there is a plan.  I think Mr BM is going to ask our very burly friend across the road to help him move the cooker when he pops round later (cooker is a heavy range thing and I can't do it).  And then we are going to have to try traps and failing that some poison (traps and poison will be out of the way of Princess Stupid and her slighly more intelligent sister).  Only trouble with poison is that it is going to smell in a few days.  

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What a nightmare! Do you think this is a small rat or a huge one??

Oh it is only a young one (think large mouse size), but it's going to grow........

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Well you've got to keep us updated!! We all want to know the developments lol.

I just poked under the cooker with a stick to see if I could "activate" said rat whilst Princess Stupid was present.  Unfortunately, PS was more interested in the stick that anything else and ran off with it.

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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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