A little bit of advice, do not text or pursue a guy first. Let him come to you. Men like the thrill of the chase and they always seem to want what they cant have. If you keep texting him then you are showing to him that you are easy and readily available. The more the guy chases you, texts you, calls you then the more he will want you and regard you as different from anyother girl. Don't make it too easy for him. You have probably seen this 100x's before: The minging guy you don't like keeps asking you out despite you repetedly rejecting him. Why? he wants what he can't have. The trick is to treat this guy, like you do with every guy who isn't interested. Sure it's game playing & sad BUT it keeps him interested. By you texting him first shows you like him, your easy, your too keen & readily available. Don't put yourself out there to be rejected by a man. If he likes you? He'll come to you. Make him chase! If I were you I'd stop texting, go out with friends, get more hobbys, keep busy & when he replys? wait sometime before replying!