My 9 year old grandson has been sick on the back seat of my car. We have tried everything going to get rid of the smell but up to now, nothing has worked. I would love any suggestions. PLEASE.
Check for a valeter in your area, and ask for 'the works' which involves seats out and deep-cleaned. Probably around £60-ish, and a day without the car.
Tell them in advance about the vomit - they should be able to fix it.
I think the money is well-spent, let a professional do it, instead of breaking your back and wasting a day doing it yourself.
If the previous solutions don't work, take a trip to your nearest branch of Pets at Home and buy this stuff:
It gets rid of all smells from organic sources. As long as you allow it to soak in (so that it comes into contact with every last trace of vomit) it will definitely do the job.
my 3 yrold was sick on his car seat last week i used milton spray .then dettol spray with a hint of apple followed by febreze.i left windows open for an hour the smell went and we didnt get the bug!!!