It's impossible to say tonywiltshire because wer are all the products of both our childhood, and our ongoing life experiences, they make us who we are.
Your daa may have loved you and developed an excellent relationship with you, he may not - as mine did not. He loved me, but never liked me, and I was a constant disappointment as I did not fulfil the notion of a son that he had fixed in his mind. Might I have been better off without him? Again, who knows?
I know my children have been miles better off because of him - I vowed that no child of mine would dread the company of me as their dad the way i dreaded time with him, which only consisted of work of some kind in his business, or looking after the family cars - always accompanied by endless lectures, with no ineraction, or opinion invited or tolerated from me.
I have a deeply loving relationship with my daughters because I put as much effort into affirming them as people, and confirming my love and support no matter what happened - would I have done that without my father's example of how not to ba a dad?
Who knows?
You are the person you are as a result of your circumstances, as are we all - anything else is speculation, and there's little point in it.