I was chatting to a friend last night and asked about his weekend plans.
He said he was meant to be on a date tonight but the girl had text him yesterday morning saying she needed to postpone the date because she was going on another date last night. Obviously if her date last night went well she wouldn't want to bother going out with my mate tonight.
I was laughing hysterically when he told me but neither of us could work out if it was good or bad that she'd told him that.
Wouldn't it just have been better if she said she needed to postpone cause she had to babysit her Mums pet hamster or something.
I'm looking forward to hearing if she rings him to set up a new date.
I think it is a cheek, and if I was in his shoes and she rang him later to rearrange the date I would tell her where to get off.
I agree that honesty is not always the best policy. Mr O asked me if his bald patch was getting bigger and then sulked for days when I told him it was.
I asked him how he responded and he said he had replied to her saying that's fine. He didn't have any other plans for tonight so if she changed her mind then to let him know. Muppet! I told him he should have said that was good as he could now go on the lads night out he would have missed.