...on the phone. She reckons I spend too much time on my computer. I said I don't and she said that I did and it escalated into a full row. I know its a stupid argument over nothing but it's really got me riled.
Is her own house really tidy, and does she spend a lot of time on housework?
Maybe it's just a case of you both have different ideas of how important housework is. I know that my standards have dropped since having the kids. They had to, or I would never have a minute to relax.
House work is over rated as long it is clean and reasonably tidy its enough. My sil gets great pleasure out if turfing out the cupboards and wardrobes tidying and rearranging things. Pleeassse I could think of nothing worse but I no longer have a mum to get on my case. So I would be inclined to just say yes mum you are right mum and just do what you want to do any how
Tig...you could call and tell her she was quite right...then keep phoning her for a chat instead of being on your computer...keep phoning and phoning til she begs you to get back on the computer.
Anyone guess I never got on with my Mum?.... :-(
Both my parents get on my case for one thing or another but I'm used to it. Maybe I am just having a bad day today. Its been a very long week. I wanted to take yesterday off but both my manager and the person I am a PA to had booked the day off. I was on my own in the office :o(
I don't know how old you are tigger, or your parents but they sound old fashioned and maybe a bit envious that they are not up-to-date with modern technology, or wont accept it.
Another thing is that in this modern world gadgets get things done a lot quicker than years ago so she just probably wonders HOW you can find time to be 'playing' on a computer (cos that's what most older people think it is). So long as your house is hygienic and the washing up to date, meals on time that's fine.
So long as you don't turn round and say you haven't got time to go and see her.... :-)
Tiggs, I remember you saying before that your mum is on your back all the time about housework. It's not right - she needs to realise that not only are you a grown woman with a house and child of your own, but that how you keep your house is entirely your business, as is how you spend your time. It's your life, you do as you please with it. You need to tell her so....
Early 40s trt. My parents are in their 60's (mum) and 70's (dad) and my dad is always on the computer. Ever since he did a basic computer course 10 years ago you can't keep him off it. He's always on FB socialising with friends and family, here and abroad. He's got a computer upstairs and a laptop downstairs! lol
My mum plays games on the computer as well.
I've tried telling her that Boxy, but it doesn't work. Stems from years ago when I was around 11 /12. She'd tell me to do the housework like vacuuming and clothes washing on Saturdays and if I didn't do it she'd flip her lid and scream the house down! Thats probably why I hate housework so much now.
Poor you tigger. I wouldnt dare tell either of my grown up children what they should and should not be doing. I am same age bracket as your mum. She needs to let go a bit doesnt she.
'''ps mums always know best and are unfortunately always right!///
Definitely not true! My mum is and was almost always wrong in everything she says and does.
I wish she would just let me do my own thing Grasscarp. My house is reasonably clean. Could do with a bit of dusting but I'm not fussed with things like that.
Me too tigger, have always wished i had a daughter.
I have a clean house and I'm not too fanatical about housework either.
Knock on my door any time your passing x