Law0 min ago
Need A Break
19 Answers
While my body is being a complete pig ( CRP 230, ESR 125 ) aches and tremendous pain all over, I realised today how close to the edge I am getting. I haven't eaten or slept properly for weeks, quite common in folk with chronic illness. My home life, now that is where the problem lies and I don't know how to address it. Having lived with my partner and his son for 18 months ( long visits prior) I have come to the conclusion they do not view the home as a place of relaxation as I do , but their personal tip. While I appreciate we are all different and I have OCD get so cross when food is spilled onto the floor and left. For days !! And it is all very well for those of you who say so what, it winds me up awfully. Dirty house, dishes, floors and instead of ironing went to buy new T shirts !! Now, this last relapse has left me exhausted and I would so love a break, however finances are very low. Are there any schemes / organisations that cater to very short breaks for people who are going to go completely gaga if they stay at home ? A long shot I know, but somebody might just know what I mean. Or I might just get the break I need...inside...doing time.
Flump, I do hope you get the holiday you yearn for to give you much needed respite. (HUGS) xx.
12:08 Fri 23rd May 2014
Oh Flump, bless you - what makes really sad reading is that those who should be making your life less stressful whilst you are so low, are adding to the stress.
Is there an organisation or forum for your particular illness? They may know of charities than offer convalescent breaks for you.
Hard to tell you to ignore the chaos - but try to accept whilst you are at such a low ebb , you have to leave it or make yourself worse.
Big ((HUG))
M ♥
Is there an organisation or forum for your particular illness? They may know of charities than offer convalescent breaks for you.
Hard to tell you to ignore the chaos - but try to accept whilst you are at such a low ebb , you have to leave it or make yourself worse.
Big ((HUG))
M ♥
How dreadful, living with a couple of complete slobs - no wonder you're depressed.
Food left on the floor is hardly OCD material - millions of people would find that offensive, even for a minute or two, let alone days ! ! ! !
Perhaps you should consider separation since there is a serious incompatability issue there.
I hope someone comes up with a solution for you.
Food left on the floor is hardly OCD material - millions of people would find that offensive, even for a minute or two, let alone days ! ! ! !
Perhaps you should consider separation since there is a serious incompatability issue there.
I hope someone comes up with a solution for you.
It makes me sad reading this, you should not have two people treating the home like a hotel. It is time to put yourself first, you do need time away to have a think. I hope you can find what you are looking for. Please take care of yourself, don't let other people get you down. A big ((hug)) from me too.xx
Hi Anne, while I love him dearly I need a break from him ! He has no idea how chronic illness affects people.
Hi Canary, when I am able, it just annoys me, when I feel like this it really is magnified. We come from different places and they are happy to be like it. That is the only disagreement between us, otherwise we are good together. I have thought about moving , I really don't want to do that. :(
Hi Canary, when I am able, it just annoys me, when I feel like this it really is magnified. We come from different places and they are happy to be like it. That is the only disagreement between us, otherwise we are good together. I have thought about moving , I really don't want to do that. :(
Hi Tony, now that is something I will look into, thanks x
Anne, I call myself the cleaner. But now the joke isn't funny any more. I have become insular since I lost my dogs and family all live too far away! I certainly could not ask my friends here so we drifted.
Bernie, thank you a cuddle from you is a gift indeed! x
Sibs, thanks it means a lot xx
Anne, I call myself the cleaner. But now the joke isn't funny any more. I have become insular since I lost my dogs and family all live too far away! I certainly could not ask my friends here so we drifted.
Bernie, thank you a cuddle from you is a gift indeed! x
Sibs, thanks it means a lot xx
Hi Anne, he knows how I feel, that's another part of my problem.
Daisy, I live on The Isle of Wight and I love living here, apart from the family all live n the mainland. When we pop out , even to food shop, I am happy, then I realise I have to come back :( .
Well after much thought I have a cunning in my M-I-L . She has just got back from holiday and she will kick ass. !
Daisy, I live on The Isle of Wight and I love living here, apart from the family all live n the mainland. When we pop out , even to food shop, I am happy, then I realise I have to come back :( .
Well after much thought I have a cunning in my M-I-L . She has just got back from holiday and she will kick ass. !