Hi! manxbiker I am incredulous of the way people of your politcal persuasion think it reminds me of [call me Dave] Cameron as Gordon Brown told him a week or two ago during PMs questions, " you have the opportunity to ask me many questions about important matters and all you've got is gossip." I wonder what strange things we would see you do manxbiker if we had you under the microscope 24x7, with regard to Iraq and Afghanistan, you might not have approved of going into these two countries but millions of people did, so did about 400 MPs of different persuasions including Dave until things got difficult then Dave in his own inimmittable fashion slid out, "nothing to do with me mate"thats why the labour party are still in power believe me Gordon cares but he hasn't got the privilege of wearing his heart on his sleeve that you have otherwise he'd be criticized for that.