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kid who would have them?

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kawa4 | 17:56 Fri 25th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
i just went to the loo and my 14 year old thougt it would be funny if he put cilngfilm over the toilet. cors being a male i dont need to sit down. my buds have been flowing quit well so its not to easy to stop once you have started. my new boots are not looking to clever i can tell you but im dead lucky i never needed a number 2. whats the funniest thing your kids have ever done


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I only had a cat...well I didnt HAVE a cat...I owned a cat lol

Kids, they're a joy aren't they.

BB xx
I did that to my dad on April Fool Day when I was about 8. What a hiding I got! LOL
This reminds of young master J Jnr (my lodger's son), who at age 4, thought it would be great fun to put the plug into the sink and then turn on the taps................. just before everyone was going out for the day......

Another time, the wee monster was found washing his hair in his bedroom .... having used a jug of water and the whole bottle of shampoo - the term *frothy* was a slight understatement.

J Jnr also liked to demonstrate his prowess at creating pretty patterns on the radiator in the bathroom (the one next to the toilet pan, if you get my drift)....

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kid who would have them?

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