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it is the absolute truth all what i have said, plus dont forget my son witnessed the physical abuse my partner put upon me, i have said all along that it seemed like a test case for ss, i never thought i got the right kind of support from my solicitor and i fort tooth and nail and at the last court hearing i begged and pleaded for her to not give my ex's ex wife and now his partner again residence rights,
i am now going to email my old solicitor.i have been told by social services that my ex does not have to give me his address or any contact number, the courts decided that i shud only see my son 6 times a year. i was seeing him twice a week , but when they moved my boy from foster care to his dads they told me i could only see my boy once a week, to give him the chance to adjust, then like i said the court then said 6 times a year. i wish i could show you the papers and the reasons why then u would see how unbelievable it all day i hope i wake from this nightmare, my son seems happy and i thank god that he is and i also pray to god that my ex has changed like ss say and that he does put our son first and does all he can for him.thankyou