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Blackpool Takeaway owners groomed teenage girls

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4846 | 21:08 Thu 07th Apr 2011 | News
11 Answers
An unpublished police report identified 11 takeaway shops in the town centre which were used as "honeypots" where the non-white men preyed on young white victims, who were given food, alcohol and cigarettes in return for sex.


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// There were claims last night that the report was suppressed for reasons of political correctness.//

Please note only two.... //
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"this crime is ripe all over Britain"

How do you know?
This should be very simple and should have nothing whatsoever to do with race and it goes soemthing like this....

A crime is committed in a cafe in a nearly all Asian area= those responsible are likely to be Asian.
A crime is committed in a cafe in a nearly all white area= those responsible are likely to be white.

In either even the law should apply to them equally. If police are / or are not arresting anyone simply because of their ethnic heritage something is wrong, but I think it's seriously doubtful given a few recent high profile cases where Asians gangs have been brought to book for this- coupled with a few white gangs as well. Yet again I think it's the Daily Wail having an ethnic stir.
"I think it's the Daily Wail having an ethnic stir."

Nooo, surely not! the Mail would never do such a thing!
Blackpool is a town that attracts an awful lot of young white females and males, and it attracts alot of young females and males who are none white, but it is the attraction of the town that is the 'bait' that gives the perpetrators the victims. They are organised and ruthless.
From the Guardian 2008

There is some evidence that disproportionate numbers of men from migrant communities are involved in the abuse of girls. Opportunism is one possible explanation, according to a police officer who worked on missing children cases. "A number of them work illegally in the takeaways, which is where a lot of the vulnerable girls either work for pocket money, or hang out."
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Dammit, this was confusing until I was obliged to look at the link. The OP ought to have said "young" meant 11 to 14 year olds. I was thinking late teens, when they can make their own decisions.

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Blackpool Takeaway owners groomed teenage girls

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